About Me

This would be the: All about Me

Hi, my name is Smith. I guess this is my about me page so I don’t know where to begin. I guess I should start with my personality. I like Science, Maths, Philosophy, Lego, Reading is a definite one, I guess you could say I also like studying the Genetic structure of animals and humans. I’m tall and want to see what it would be like to be small so that’s where that comes from. Sometimes I forget that I’m tall and think that everyone else is small. My dads tall and that’s where that strand of D.N.A comes from. One thing I like doing is writing in code: siht ekil (like this). I have a family of 4 and they are the best. Oh! I almost forgot. I play the Viola which I was told is something that not that many people do (Because everyone thinks that violists and violas are stupid). My ears have also been told that they are almost pitch perfect which means I can tell what any note is if I here it. I can’t tell what all notes are but I can do most notes.

I love going hiking with my dad because it’s really fun. We usually go to The Stirling ranges which is close to Bluff Knoll. Last time we camped we had a small campfire and toasted chorizo and marshmallows. Another time I went hiking and camping with my dad I got higher than 1 kilometre from sea level. Another time I went hiking with the whole family we walked 3 kilometres far up and down and up a gigantic hill. There were three hills. When we got to the campsite we made a fire and cooked some bread. The next morning it was freezing. It was so cold I couldn’t hold my hiking stick. So yeah I love hiking with my Dad.

I’ve always dreamed of going to the Red Planet, aka Mars. It would be so awesome to be on a different planet like one of my role models, Neil Armstrong. I am also passionate about saving Earth. While I was writing this, I was thinking of ways to make my house more sustainable. I’m building a water tank, solar panels and a wind turbine for my house. Probably the biggest passion I have is being kind to others. I try never to be mean to anyone and most of the time I’m successful. Part of this is I have a quite good sense of humour and I physically can’t get angry at work or school.

Well I can say I love building things because it lets me be creative. And when I say love I mean really love building things, mainly out of Lego. For me Lego lets all my creativity out. In my house we have a whole room dedicated to Lego. When I have the right materials I could build anything, and I mean anything (well not really anything but I could build a lot of things). I also like baking a lot to. I’ve baked 5 cakes in my life time and a several batches of cup cakes. The first ever cake I made was for a birthday but instead of having 1 teaspoon of baking powder, it had 1 tablespoon of baking powder. It was horrible (although I ate half of it because I love food) so we had to chuck it (the other half) down the bin.

I can’t really think of anything to say at the moment but I will say: Stay tuned till next time!

2 years later…
However, interests change over time. So do skills, likes, dislikes and more. What you just read was from the Smith in year 7. This small sentence actually rises an interesting paradox. Am I still the same person as I 2 years ago? (That’s for a later time). Now I’m writing from year 10, about me in this very point of the space-time continuum.

So a couple of things have changed since 2 paragraphs ago. The first thing is, you probably noticed that this style of writing is very different from the first 3 paragraphs. I would catch you up on it but it would take forever. The second thing that you might have noticed (actually you wouldn’t have) is the change in me physically. I’m taller, and that’s about it (and somehow I still have the same haircut). However, not only do physical traits change (oh yeah and my relative space to the centre of the universe has changed drastically) but so do mental, emotional, and social aspects of people, including me.

Me playing the viola

I’ve got a question

Smith Blaxell
Me going hiking

– Smith B

While some of my interests have stayed the same, others have changed entirely. I still like physics, philosophy, Lego, reading, hiking, Maths, baking, and space. But now I also like writing, psychology, cosmology, politics, geography, computer games, D&D, sociology, and probably more (but this is all I can think of). You might be able to see some connections from my previous likes which branched into my new likes, for example, physics and space branched together to form cosmology (I still like space and physics separately, though). And while some likes bloomed and flourished, others diminished and died forming new dislikes. I still dislike exerting physical energy, putting in effort (I’ll talk about this later), and steak. I now also dislike things such as dis-honest politicians, heights (or more accurately falling, because heights have beautiful views), and annoying conversations. I also dislike other people being selfish, but I can’t complain about that because I’m selfish sometimes too.

My values haven’t changed that much for the past 5 years, and so I still value Honesty, Justice and Loyalty. These are the three key Ideas on which I base almost all my other decisions. I picked these values because I believe that no civilization can function without justice, no friendship can work without Loyalty, and no family can be a team without honesty. These 3 concepts are what mean the most to me. My skills also changed, like I’m now taller! I also am smarter, kinder, and can play the Viola much better than before. Skills, values, and preferences change over time with me, and as time marches on, I’ll be a completely different person than I am now.

‘No human can ever be perfect. Realising this is the closest thing to perfection.’

Smith B

Now at this point you may be wondering why I didn’t re-write the first 3 paragraphs. Well, at the moment I am Smith, but I’m only an instant of Smith. I’m not all of Smith, and if I re-wrote this page, it wouldn’t truly be About Me. I Layer on the top to show the change of time, like sedimentary slowly falling down to the bottom of the ocean. I keep what I wrote so that all the ‘sedimentary’ layers will fall and once I’m finished with school (assuming I live to be 100 years of age), this page will contain 6% of Smith, and at some stage in the future, I will look back on this specific sentence and say ‘That guy was so clumsy’ before realising I was insulting myself. I’m not me until I’ve completed my life.