
In InnovateED me and my group had to make a VR tour explaining what the salvation army actually did. I was part of the smaller coding group and not all of our group was focused but we got better and all of us actually helped edit.

At the start we broke into small groups of 2-3 and brainstormed different ideas and then we went to the salvation army where we learnt about them and got an understanding of what they did. Then we  chose our most important parts and put them on the wall where we found what each idea had in common with others and this is how to chose our groups. The groups were researching, writing, character design and filming plus coding. The coding group is what I was apart of and we had to edit the footage. The filming group had to work with the character design and script writing to make the footage which the coding group would edit. The researching group had to research anything that we needed. The character design group had to design characters and script writing had to make the scripts. Currently we have gotten a basic prototype of some footage which is an example of what we could do with the final product.

These images are pictures of our brainstorm and of our groupings of ideas.


This is the “market” at the doorways facility and this is where the people come to get food. However the foods are given a price and while they’re free, the people can only choose $20 worth of food.



This picture is the church at the North bridge doorways facility.



I worked on my teamwork skills because I had to work with the other members of my group. I didn’t develop my teamwork skills. I didn’t develop my creativity. I did develop my self management skills as we had to work without a teacher clearly outlining what we were doing. I developed my communication skills because we had to communicate with the other groups so we knew what we were each doing.

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