In the process of creating our Christmas market product, we used almost all of the design thinking strategies. To start off, we used empathize to talk about what Christmas meant for people of different ages and religions. We then split into our groups and started coming up with possible ideas for our product. We spent a lot of time on that, with us testing all the possible outcomes and what boundaries might affect us from making certain products. After a while, we decided on an idea we had thought of near the start of the project as we later thought it was our best one.

Design Thinking Process

Some aspects that I found challenging about group work was the fact that we had a large group and there were a lot of disputes with the group. Half the group would agree on one thing and the other half would agree on something and it would end up being a big mess. The work we did in class in terms of creating the product and everything that went along wasn’t too difficult once we had solved any disputes.

Our stall at the market

A capability I was able to improve on was definitely resilience. Our product creation was halted as we were forced to pay full price for a second hand product from home. We looked up the price and saw we couldn’t afford the amount we originally planned. We then had to branch out and we were really lucky as one of the teachers had brought in jars that we could use. That whole dilemma was very tough as we though for a while that we were doomed. I used my resilience to think of other ways to create the same product and we were able to do so. Another capability I was able to improve on was effective communication. To make sure that my group and I were working as well as we could, I had to ensure that we were communicating as best we could.