The water cycle impacts the land in a way that helps the planet by fulling certain places that need water.
Pollution is affecting water cycles by poisoning the water which is lessening the percentage of clean water. Pollution makes the water have different part because of it’s poison, this is stopping it of becoming part of the water cycle because the water cycle uses the specific water like the salt water and clean water.
We can prevent the pollution by no throwing as much trash into the ocean and try to keep the water clean for the water cycle. We can stop the dirtiness and the waste of water by saving animals and not strangling them with plastic.
Acid rain
Acid rain is most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and other wildlife. Acid rain effects the evaporation of the water cycle causing it to break with its destruction. It effects the infiltration by breaky the soil of the ground causing the ground collapse
We can make stop cutting down trees to stop the risk of wild life getting harmed, we can give them more burros and homes. We could create a company focused on wild, the company will build homes for the wild life and supply them with food.
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