During Media, I learnt a lot of new acting, editing and much more skills. During the time I had with this project x and by far I certainly enjoyed this the most.
Process of our production
We decided to make our product Shrek bathwater. Our idea was to create a video where everything is dark, miserable and colourless without Shrek bathwater until finally the character in the advertisement finds something life-changing, Shrek bathwater. We added thirst traps and music to show how good Shrek bathwater is, even Shrek approves of it.
How we originally came up with the idea
Our idol is Shrek and we thought that making a product about him would be a good idea. We could not think of much products to make but we ended up going with bathwater, this was a good idea because it came from Shreks bath and it is drinkable.

Shrek water
Our Challenges
Our challenge was that the water would not be appealing enough to the audience and it was more of a joke, we resolved this problem by creating a story on how Shrek water can turn someone’s life back the right way around. I one scene shrek would approve of our water but we did not know how to get shrek to approve, so we ended up dressing up a shrek and putting a picture of shrek on their face. Our last problem was that we did not have a skethcy enoug place to record and we decided that the best place to go to film was in the bathroom with the light off.
What would I do differently next time
I would try to be more relalistic wiht my acting and not be as caual. I would try to take part in editing the video more and learning more acting skills.
In conclusion I really enjoyed this roation and hope to do more of this in year 8…
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