Welcome to my (updated) About Me!
Hello and Welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Abhinav Kolachana. I am a persistent, hard-working and caring individual, who is enrolled at All Saints’ College. I always strive to follow the Wheel of Capabilities and seek to perfect every aspect/section of it.

I believe Leadership is the ability to inspire others to follow in your footsteps. Influencing others to follow in your footsteps. Acting like a role model for the ones who look up to you. I must admit, my leadership skills early last year weren’t, up to “standards”. One way to put it, I was shy and didn’t really know how to lead, I wasn’t confident of my abilities and was constantly doubting myself. This semester, I had promised myself that I would take every Leadership opportunity that I had been given. I strive to perfect my Leadership abilities all throughout my school life and maybe even in my work life.
A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of concensus.
– Martin Luther King Jr
This quote really speaks to me as it is saying a leader is the one who chooses to get their hands dirty and create a way for others. Not looking for a way.

I believe Resilience is the ability to have the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. I feel that I have waves of resilience, meaning that whenever I encounter a problem I don’t immediately want to bounce back, other times I do. Sometimes I don’t have the determination to say that I will face this problem, other times for some reason I want to succeed and “bounce back”. For example, if I get a low score on a test I should bounce back instead of making excuses.
Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
– Winston S. Churchill
I feel that this quote provides a sense of determination, meaning that whenever I read this quote I become determined to succeed and if I fail if will “bounce back”.