Describe the process you went through to create your production.
The process that we used was both efficient and let us get as much work as possible done. We first came up with several ideas for our project before settling on a semi-serious spoof of horror films. We settled on the concept of “The booty man,” inspired by the boogieman, whose premise was that if you repeated his name three times in the mirror, he would steal your cheeks. We made the decision to have the booty man possess someone by the name of Fahd Aliib when developing the storyline and storyboard. After storyboarding and completing the script, we headed outside to start filming. We tried a variety of different camera setups and special effects resulting in the production of Bootyman.

How did you come up with the original idea?
There were many ideas when we initially started to brainstorm, but finger boy, a super hero with an alien finger parasite, was our first one. After giving it some thought, we decided to create a parody of the boogie man that we called “the booty man” because we wanted to mock a specific genre. We sought to establish a type of “Jenkinsverse” while creating the booty guy by tying it to our prior character, “Old man Jenkins.” We made sure that our character was distinctive and stood out from any other characters making him more memorable.

Describe three obstacles or challenges that you encountered when creating your production.
One obstacle that we faced was the Year 9 OLP. Since we were all in rotation one, except Dylan we missed out on 2 weeks of recording/planning the Bootyman. To combat this we had to put our heads together and work really hard and not waste time as we were losing periods to film by the day. Another challenge we faced was the time that we had to film our scenes. In our film, if you look closely the fight scene was rushed and there were only around 10 or so shots in the scene in total. We had spent over 40% of our time on planning and even more time on other unnecessary scenes that we didn’t use anyway. We also spent way too much time scouting out a place, filming there, and then deleting the footage and not using it. The final challenge that we faced was, and something that I think we could improve on was the audio in pretty much all of our scenes. Especially in the opening scene where Fahd Aliib is digging his dog’s grave, the audio was alright but you couldn’t really hear the dialogue that well. In all of the other scenes, the audio was pretty much the same, meaning that it could be better.
What would you do differently next time?
As I explained before I think that we could definitely improve on the audio in some of our scenes as you couldn’t really hear the dialogue. A way in which we could have improved on this would be to do ADR. This is where you have a plant microphone in the shot and then record the dialogue again over the scene. This would have made the audio sound better and you would be able to actually hear the dialogue. Another thing that we could have improved on would be the fight scene. Since we were running out of time, we had to rush the fight scene and just put together a bunch of random shots. If we had made use of our time better then we could have made cooler shots and not having to kill off the chief so quickly.