During my first term in Year 10, as part of our 2023 health curriculum, our school received an invitation from RAC to participate in their annual ‘BSTREETSMART’ event held at RAC Arena. This event, attended by numerous schools, focused on educating students in years 10-12 about the serious consequences associated with distracted driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and speeding. One of the highlights was a live demonstration showcasing a real-life incident caused by factors like peer pressure, alcohol consumption, and socializing with friends. Following the re-enactment, several guest speakers shared their personal stories and insights regarding the dangers of reckless driving. The event concluded with frontline workers sharing their firsthand experiences and offering guidance on how to easily avoid such behaviours.
One of the biggest things that I learned at the RAC ‘BSTREETSMART’ event was particularly from Dr. Sudhakar Rao, the Director of the Major Trauma Unit at Royal Perth Hospital. Dr. Rao provided detailed insights into the physical injuries resulting from crashes, as well as the short- and long-term repercussions that can profoundly affect both individuals and their families. Additionally, representatives from organizations like Headspace and Happiness Co. shared their perspectives on the personal, social, and familial consequences of dangerous driving. These stories deeply affected my perception of how a single moment can drastically alter one’s entire life.
What advice would I give younger drivers?
If I were to offer one crucial tip to young drivers, it would be to carefully consider every decision, regardless of its magnitude, while behind the wheel. Cultivating patience while driving can significantly diminish the chances of finding oneself in a precarious situation. By doing so, not only do you ensure your own safety, but you also contribute to the safety of others sharing the road with you.
My Pledge
I, Abhinav Kolachana, commit to being a responsible driver by adhering to traffic regulations, refraining from driving under the influence of alcohol, switching off my phone before starting my journey, and maintaining a speed within the legal limits. I picked these things as they are the main issues of interest among young drivers. Following these things will help me become a better and safer driver on the road. I plan to stick to these commitments by remembering that I control the lives of others on the road from my actions. If I choose to break a road rule, someone else’s life will be in danger whether it be a pedestrian, passenger or a car on the road.