My Roles in the project?

My roles in this project were Design and planning so I did all the logo designs and made a logo for our group and I did the branding. I did prototypes of the logo and had multiple attempts at creating the logo. I also helped with how we would design and make the tyre furniture.

What would I change?

I would change the idea because I was a bit unsure if people would buy our product and if it would sell on the day. I would also change the fact that we weren’t very productive during this project and it took us a while to get started and for everyone to get what they had to get and I think covid messed us up a bit because for the first few weeks we had only 2 people because I and another person in the group were away and I was away for 3 weeks of the project.

What did I enjoy about this process?

I enjoyed how we got to go and make our products and had fun. I also like the independence and how we had to figure out everything for ourselves and work together as a group

How well did my group work to achieve our goals?

My group achieved most of the goals at the start but the only thing we struggled with was finishing our main product at the end because we had wasted time on other things. Everyone in the group had their own individual roles which we all did well but we just struggled when it came to making the product.

The process of our products:

These were the role our group members had and everyone did what there job and what we had to do. Then when everything else was all sorted we moved on to bringing in materials to make our products which we had a slow start to. so most of the group members bought everything they had to bring in order to make the product but some forgot or were too busy so we had to rely on other people to bring them.