My Role model is my Mum, I have chosen my Mum as my role model because to me I think she is a great person and would be a great role model which I will tell you more about in my PowerPoint presentation: Health assesment.pptx
My Bad Role Model
Justin Bieber
My Bad role model is Justin Bieber, I chose Justin Bieber as my bad role model because to me I think they were a bad influence and did some bad things in their life which I will be telling you more about in this presentation Bad role model assesment.pptx
My 3 main Values from my house of values:
my family impacts the way I live by having rules that we have to follow which helps with the decisions we make in our daily lives and they show me how to be polite to other people.
My friends impact my life and the way I live because my friends are kind to me which makes me be kind to them and helps me to be kind to other people which helps me make decisions in my daily life.
Having kindness as one of my main goals is really important because if you are kind to other people tey will be kind to you. Being kind can also help you make decisions like how you treat people or things you do.