Year 8 Health Assessment Drinking Expo

What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task?

I learnt that dividing work was a lot easier for my group because it would have been harder to all work on the same topic and difficult to all have different answers. My group decided to each pick a topic to focus on which worked well and everyone got their work done and had all the information form each topic that we needed or the Alcohol Expo.

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? Why?

I would say control your drinking habbits and control the amount of alcohol intake you have when ever you go out so that you don’t become addicted or have problems in the future because you drink to much alcohol.

How did you and your group members work together? What did you do well and what could have been improved?

My group did good when we were researching because we all had out questions and answers ready and all our research was propared. something I think we could have worked on was at the start some of our group was away for a while and missed a lot of lesson and were a bit behind on there work.

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