Earthquake Resistance Building- Year 9

About the project?

This project was a group collaboration project where students were given a task to design a structure from pasta and glue tack and had to design it to withstand the scenario of a real life earthquake and had to be 60cm and fit in a small square base. This tested student collaborative and thinking skills as they had to design and prototype ways to solve this problem with a budget of $60 to spend on equipment.

This was our first attempt at the tower which survived the earthquake but had to have more support added.

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  1. Overview of the engineering process: While me and my group were designing our prototype we had to get ideas for how to make a supportive base and tower to hold it together during the earthquake simulationWe would have put more pasta into our support because we had a strong and tall base but the insides of the tower weren’t very strong so the base wobbled a lot
  2. representation of project: This project was a group collaboration project where students were given a task to design a structure from pasta and glue tack and had to design it to withstand the scenario of a real life earthquake and had to be 60cm and fit in a small square base. This tested student collaborative and thinking skills as they had to design and prototype ways to solve this problem with a budget of $60 to spend on equipment.
  3. Team work and Collaboration: When my group was doing the stile we all collaborated evenly and split up the questions so everyone had something to do and we added lots of detail into our answers and making the tower we all had a jobs.

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