Reimagining Fremantle Port

What is Project Utopia?

Project Utopia is a project that we have been working on for the whole of Term 3 and all the Year 7s had an opportunity to work on it and we had to try to create a perfect utopia, and use some of the UN Global Goals to our design to make it sustainable as well. Utopia is trying to create the perfect city in Fremantle port. Project Utopia gave me a chance to learn more about Fremantle port and certain parts about Fremantle Port that would be important to keep or other bits of the port that could be fixed or made into a more sustainable or useable and have a better purpose.

This is my group’s vision board showing our sustainable transport ideas for the region.

How we went on the presentation day and throughout the project

When the day came to present everything my group had done we were very organised with our work and what we were going to say. When we had started this project or when we were a few weeks into it, sometimes our communication was not very good and sometimes we didn’t communicate very well and didn’t get stuff done but as we progressed through the project our communication did get better and so did our teamwork and collaboration. Then we produced more work and our work was better than before.

This is my group and our vision board in the middle of us


Our Fremantle Port redesign would be very liveable for the people that live there because of all the plantation and native plants that we will use to keep the Fremantle port clean and looking good. We will have sustainable ways to keep the plants alive and healthy such as finding plants that need less water than other plants like plants that are native to Fremantle. My group also looked at making Fremantle Port livable by using a lot more sustainable transport like electric bikes, normal bikes, and electric scooters.


My group will make Fremantle port sustainable by having sustainable plants and using a lot of plants that are native to Fremantle and we will have sustainable ways to keep the plants alive and healthy. We will use plants that the bees can pollinate because that will make the plants grow better and be more healthy. My group will also make Fremantle port Sustainable by using a lot more sustainable transport like electric bikes, normal bikes, and also maybe electric scooters.

these are some of the plants my group was thinking of using because there were native and good to have.

UN Global Goals

My group targeted three main global goals. Global goals are a collection of 17 goals formed by the United Nations in 2015, the aim of these goals is to help achieve a better future for all of us by 2030. These goals target many main issues. Our first goal was Life on Land, which means that we would grow more plants and try to keep Fremantle port more green and use lots of native plants as well. Another Global Goal we targeted was Climate Action. We had to think of ways to prevent as much climate action as possible and we ended up with the idea of using mainly electric transport like bikes and scooters and having fewer car bays so people will not use their car much because they won’t have many places to park it. Another main Global Goal was sustainable cities and communities and we were going to use lots more plants near all the buildings and have people who care about the environment and people who would look after the plants and water them. Our last Global Goal was good health and wellbeing, we are building more pedestrian crossings and fun healthy ways to efficiently move around Fremantle.

These were the global goals my group were focusing on

Public speaking skills

when I was speaking I was learning not to use palm cards because I had a bad habit of using palm cards and just reading them. I was also trying to prepare what our group was going to talk about and how that connects to everything we have worked on and everything that was on our vision board. To me, public speaking is very nerve-racking and I don’t like doing it, I think I spoke well for the Fremantle port project and I feel a bit more confident about public speaking. My next goal for my next assessment is trying not to use palm cards and learning my script better and not relying so much on the palm cards.


At the start of the Utopia Project, my group had a few problems with communication because sometimes my group wouldn’t communicate well and had problems with coming up with ideas and didn’t always listen to everyone’s ideas and we didn’t get much work done to start but after a while, we started to concentrate more and get more work done.