Everyone in 6W has spent the entire year creating a Minecraft city that they are working hard to make liveable. We just put Wayne’s World on survival mode, and inspired by Tulip Mania, we chose tulips as the currency.
Modern Examples of an economic bubble! โจ๐โโ
Exclusives and collectibles (fidgets, ooshies, etc.) that phase in and out of popularity are an example of an economic bubble.
Things like fidget spinners, pop-its, and other collectibles. Have a variety of colour options with varying rarity. People were asking over a grand for what is essentially a different colour of an ooshie. These items are frequently unique and have little use other than as a tiny gimmick. Many of these items ultimately run out of supply, (or aren’t popular anymore) leading to demand plummeting, and no one buying collectibles. The internet has also contributed in the development of these trends since content creators on sites like Youtube and Tik Tok showcase themselves utilising collectibles and, of course, you must be like the popular people.

How will we protect the wealth of MAS? ๐ต๐กโจ
We not only have a vast quantity of tulips, but we also have numerous stacks of resources and the most crypto of any city. If the tulip loses value, we will have our large material wealth left to protect us and keep us rich.
We want to transform a large number of our tulips into resources in the next (minecraft) weeks, considerably increasing our material wealth. We could mine a significant portion of our city if we wanted to, which could even further increase our material wealth. Having an alternative currency (AmpereCoin) allows us to still be wealthy even if the tulip loses value. We may even see crypto rise in value through times where the tulip is devalued.

Importance of Wealth, Cool Stuff and Inclusivity
Cool Stuff! ๐โจ๐
Having cool things fosters tourism, which brings in money through visas and allows people to support companies like hotels, restaurants, and theme parks. Various attractions enhance the number of people walking in the city, which provides a number of advantages. Various studies conducted in the UK have shown that walking in cities can elicit pleasant emotions and reduce tension, anxiety, and overstimulation.
Wealth! ๐ฒโจ๐ต
The wealthiest cities are stable and capable of purchasing a variety of things that can significantly help their population. Being wealthy enables you to purchase an abundance of resources. It also allows you to better your cool stuff, inclusion, and your city in general.
Inclusivity! โจ๐
Having a reliable and varied food source prevents famine and allows you to cater for people who can not or choose not to eat a certain food. We should have public spaces and areas for people to enjoy in our cities since they are for anybody to use, offering a place to rest, dine, or work. They offer minor conveniences such as shade, bike parking, and seats. Another reason for libraries and public spaces is for people who may not be able to purchase books or movies. They can view movies at the city-owned theatre for a lot less money than they can buy a TV and dvds.

What I enjoyed about Wayne’s World 5!
Wayne’s World 5 was a fantastic opportunity for us to put all of our economics work into practise, and in order to flourish further in your city, you must understand the economic concepts we learned in class. Wayne’s World also gave us a great opportunity to express ourselves while still learning and growing.

What I found frustrating and what changes we could make!
I definitely found some of the terrain modification hard. I also think that we should’ve had bigger groups & a lot more time on Wayne’s World. A large group may bring a lot of passengers, but I believe we could have groups of six, with each group divided into two. These smaller groups of three are similar to states or suburbs in that you construct together, share money, and work together, but each smaller group is responsible for their own groupwork (in democracy, for example) just like this year’s cities. To spend more time in Wayne’s World, consider incorporating some more math, history, and design into Wayne’s World. Instead of the design task, have students utilise the ASC design process to create something like transportation or a parliament. You could also use Minecraft to re-enact federation and other major events in Australian history. An example of this would be for our event (the 1978 Mardi Gras) to generate a large number of villagers to simulate a protest and maybe replace the floor with protester emblems (rainbow flag). After “experiencing” (and researching) the event, have the students design something that explains their experience inside the city. Another point is that the World Bank should be expanded, and you should be able to enable black markets and trade without the knowledge of the World Bank.