Lock Dwelling Up Day Trip
Lock Dwelling Up
On the 3rd of May all the Lock classes went down to Dwelling-up for a day trip. The activities we did were kayaking, bush cooking and the tree top adventures course. In Dwelling-up my goals were to set up the bush fire with out any help and to do one of the hardest levels of tree top climbing course. I ended up completing though’s goals in the end.
Kayaking – Resilient
The first activity I did was the kayaking we only had a hour of kayaking because of the road works which slowed the bus down a bit. The first thing we did was we got all our gear and kayaks and the instructor told us that we had to be push down a flight of stairs. It was scary at first but it was really exciting some people even flipped there kayaks. Once we were all in, we kayaked for a bit and then we played a game in our kayaks were we had a ball and we all had to grab it and try to score a goal in our kayaks. The Capabilities we used the most in kayaking was Resilient because when we found out we had to get pushed down the stairs most of us were scared and nervous so I think we all had to use resilient to go down the flight of stairs, but it was all fun in the end.
Bush Cooking – Effective Communication
The second activity was bush cooking were we had to make are lunch. I was in a group with Anna and Amelia L. Our jobs were divided up; I was setting up the fire, Amelia was the cook and Anna got the equipment. We were cooking Noodles with egg, mushroom and tomato. We all bought for the food and some equipment for the cooking. The first thing we had to do was Anna got the wood and matches and I started the fire, while Amelia was chopping up the food. Once the fire was ready and it was going, we started with putting the egg, mushroom and tomato first because it took longer to cook. Then we put the noodles in the billy and let it all cook. It all ended up well in the end. The capabilities we used was effective communication because I was working in a group and we had to share the roles and without effective communication then we wouldn’t of had a well cooked lunch.
Tree top Adventures – Problem Solving
The last activity was tree top Adventures , this was my favourite activity. There were levels on the course yellow, orange, green, blue, red, black and advanced black and then there was the zip line course. I did green, blue ,red, black and the zip line course it was very fun and the views were amazing. We had 2 hours of this. There was one course I did were we had to jump from rope to rope but I got stuck in on of the ropes because my harness was tangled I had to use problem solving to get my self out of the ropes which was scary because I didn’t want to fall. But I used the Capabilities Problem solving to finnish the course.
In Bush cooking we had to leave no trace after finishing our fire. Here are some of the principles we used the most while we were bush cooking :
P1 Plan ahead and be prepared
All the food we brought was from our own homes, once we finished our bushing cooking we all made sure that nothing was left behind. We also had to be prepared with our equipment so we had to bring biodegradable plates and knifes and forks. We had to make sure the camp site look like it did before we used it. After packing everything up we picked up 10 pieces of rubbish.
P3 dispose of any waste
If we had any waste we would have to through it way in the bin or put it in the fire so it gets burnt to ashes. We also picked up any litter so the campsite was clean. Afterwards, we also had to take most of the rubbish home because most of the bins were over full so we took it home. We also had to bring cutlery that was biodegradable.
P6 Respect wildlife and clean up afterwards
We also had to do a proper clean up to make sure nothing was left behind. In my group we had someone watching the food so the wildlife wouldn’t get the food and get sick. We also had to make sure if there was any food in the fire that it was burnt down to ashes so the animals wouldn’t eat the food. We also made sure to pick up any rubbish so the birds wouldn’t eat it.