Specialised Basketball 2022
This year my elective has been specialised basketball. In Specialised Basketball we have been learning skills and game play as well as making player profiles. We had some professional AFL women come in and talk to us about nutrition and health. They also just talked to the girls about how girls are more at risk with injury’s, and we learnt about injury prevention as well as setting up physicality tests to see if we have improved. We have also been learning offence and defensive concepts.
One of the concepts we looked at was Diet, goal setting/elite training and (for just the girls) injury prevention and how your period effects sport. We had women from the West Coast ALFW talk to us. First they discussed Diet. They talked about how you should have a colourful diet meaning you should have all types of food in your diet. We also compared the West Coast AFLW diet to our diet and we learnt what foods to have at a certain time. Next topic we did was goal setting and we made some goals for Specialised basketball as well as our own sport goals. Then just the girls were taught about injury prevention since women have weaker bones and a different stance compared to boys. We learnt this by doing some warm up exercises. We also learnt about how to mange our periods during sport. Overall this experience really helped me to understand how to look after my body more and I also learnt a lot about goal setting.
How do I perceive skill training and /or personal physicality?
In the semester 1 we focused on improving our physicality as well as improving our skills. We did this by making a program to set out how much physical activity we would do each day. As well as including it in our class. We also got assigned these physical tests and we had to record the results. We then did it later on in the term and compared the results. We got to see if we improved or not and if so why? I perceived my skill training in the class by recording my results and by learning new skills. We also made a player profile to show what our strengths and weaknesses were. Overall this helped me to understand skill training and why it is so important as well as personal physicality.
Offence Concept
In Specialised Basketball we learnt about being in the Offence position and we did some drills. One of the drills we did was to practice offence as well as practice defence, which was the shell drill. We also learnt some skills to get around the opposition defenders. This helped me to understand how to be better at offence. We also learnt some new drills which I can use in the future to practice my basketball. We also talked about dribbling and triple threat which helped the offence concept as well as looking at footwork.
Defence Concept
Another thing we looked at was the Defence concept. This involved looking at defensive stance and defensive technique. We did this by practising 1v1 drills and the shell drill. This helped us to understand more about the defence concept as well as looking at new ways to improve your defensive technique. We also watched some Shell drills done by adults to see how they did this, so we could learn from watching them. We also analysed these videos and saw how they defended was so we could correct them and learn from them. This helped me to improve my defensive stance.
Hopefully next year I can do specialised basketball again and join a local basketball club so I can continue to play basketball. Overall I really enjoyed specialised basketball and I learnt a lot from it.