Innovat[ED] Reflection

As you may have already read, I participated in a service project, which was allowing the AMANA residents to connect through books and reading. I would now like to reflect on that project.

One of the things I did well were being a leader of the group. It is a natural skill for me. I made sure everyone was on task. I was like the mother of group- I knew what was going on. I also made sure I picked a project that I would enjoy for the service projects, not just one my friends were doing. The people that I was with weren’t my best friends- some I didn’t ever speak to. Another thing I did well was get rid of the slides I didn’t need in the pitch. I put 28 slides down to 13.

One of the things I did not so well was delegate the work. I tend to be very possessive of work I think I do extremely. well. I am cautious of letting other students do the work I thinik they will not do well. It is something I need to focus on. I did the script, the thinking and the pitch. I am susceptible to late night studying and working- something I need to balance with hobbies. It happens because I am committed.

Overall, I am pleased with my work and the result of this project. Hopefully I will continue it into the future. I used the skills Self-Management, Leadership, Resilience, Problem Solving and more. One I need to work on would be Communication.

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