Oar-some- A post about a Growth Mindset

As an avid rower, I compete in numerous regattas for Curtin University (the club I row under). This one I am talking about was the Schools State Championships this year. My Doubles partner and I were racing, and about quarter-way into the race, the crew in front of us veered sideways into some bushes.  until we passed them. This was about halfway, and we were in first now. We rowed with all our might, and I was exhausted 50 metres before the finish.

Now, for some quick facts- I was the stroke (the front), leading the bow (my doubles partner). When I slow down, she has to slow. She was the one who kept me going with “Just a couple of strokes” and “Speed up!”. This was reinforced from the rowers and parents shouting our names.

We did end up coming first, and there is this iconic photo in my family of just after the race was finished, which consists of me leaning backwards onto the riggers (the things that hold my oars in place. in pure exhaustion. It was one of the best moments of my life- the rowing mums and my coach were highly impressed- I even managed to get a hug from the Captain, who can be very cold.

But what did I learn about a growth mindset? Rowing is a fixed sport in repetition and technique. You are taught to be unchanging. I learnt that the support of others is more important than you think. I am very individualised, so that was a good lesson.

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