O’Connor House Council 2021

In late 2020, I was selected to become a House Councillor for O’Connor. I felt very honoured to be considered for this role as a representative of the house I had been a part of since joining All Saints 10 years ago. This role was a yearly commitment to serve the house, and included many different responsibilities.

I flourished mainly in the logistical and management side of the role. Organising House events, celebrations and fundraisers gave me a sense of purpose within the House. I worked with amazing members of O’Connor, who all had their own skills and talents to bring to the table. Some of the events I helped to develop and present included the Headspace “Silly Socks” fundraiser and our Wellbeing Day event.

Every week or so, we would coordinate as a Council out on the lawns, where we would discuss upcoming events and plan out the existing ones. This environment was great for me to develop my confidence in sharing with my ideas with others – something I will bring into next year.

I sincerely thank Mr Beath and the House Captain for letting me be part of this great team.

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