Nulsen Youth Patrons – A reflection

I still remember the day I decided I wanted to become a Patron. I put in my application, signed it, waited for what would happen. I thought that I might not even get in, what with all the people I knew would want to be one. I found out I had gotten an interview a few days later, and as they say, the rest was history.

Well, what can I say? It was an eye-opening experience to work with Nulsen and the other Patrons. I gained an understanding I did not have before of people living with complex disabilities, but more than that, I gained new friends, who I still aim to keep in contact with over the next couple of years.

Nulsen was an amazing organisation to work with. As well as allowing us to come into the homes of their residents, they gave us leadership and public speaking training, something I enjoyed very much. I won’t go into too much detail because I have already posted in depth about the training I received, but it was something I would never forget.

My favourite part of being a Patron was definitely the house visits. As someone who enjoys meeting people, it became a favourite part of Monday afternoons. The people I met were kind and welcoming, and it was very interesting to learn about them and what hobbies they had. There was a wide variety, from painting, to gardening, to monster trucks! Fundraising activities like the Connected 6 art exhibition and the Nulsen Quiz Night were also highlights of my time as a Nulsen Youth Patron.

Onto 2022. I have become part of the Catalyst Leadership Team, and I will be taking charge of the Disability Services portfolio on the team. I shall post about it once I am settled into the role, but what that means is that I will (thankfully) still retain a relationship with Nulsen.

I sincerely thank Nulsen and the All Saints Service Team for this opportunity, and hopefully we can keep making a difference together!

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