Catalyst Leadership

In late 2021, I was selected to become a leader for Catalyst – the College’s social enterprise. This group covers the 3 main service areas (Aged Care, Disability Services and Homelessness) , and is the cornerstone of All Saints’s Service opportunities. As someone who has done Service activities their whole life in varying areas, I was extremely honoured to become part of this group.

Due to my previous experience as a Nulsen Youth Patron in 2021, I was also selected as the joint manager (along with Year 12 student Holly Shackleton) for the 2022 Nulsen Youth Patrons.

Some of the ongoing projects I will manage with the incumbent Youth Patrons include the Connected 7 exhibition and the famous Nulsen Quiz Night. I experienced both of these events as a Patron, and so I hope I can bring my experience over to the Year 10 students as they run their own events.

I am very much looking forward to the challenge, and hopefully we can proceed with our plans without too many interruptions. I have met the other members of the Council, and all are extremely committed to their upcoming projects, so I see a bright future this year for Catalyst.

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