New eBoard in D Block

Finally, it’s here.

This board was through the work of myself and the other Class Representatives. Students said they wanted to know what was happening, but they had no board. So we gave them an electronic board, which as well as notices also shows what the students have been doing. This was the result of some great teamwork.

I seriously thank Mr J and the rest of the Class Reps for working with me to do something meaningful for the College. I will remember this.

Service Learning Continuation

After a lot of consideration, I decided to continue my Service project. We had been drawing up our final plan, which was to make a Little Free Library. First we sketched plans.

Then we started building. We are using a whole load of machines we never thought we would use ever. This project also is helping my partner and I learn good skills. Some machines we used were the drop saw, orbital sander and others.

We then used processes such as joins and clamping to form the pieces. You can see one of our wood pieces in a clamp here-

Eventually, we started forming our library. Today we managed to screw in all the pieces and get it looking good. Hopefully we can try and paint this.

As well as our main pieces, we also used off-cuts to create a frame for the door, which still needs to be planned out. We will probably do this in our next lesson. I would like to thank my woodwork teacher, who gave us so much support and so many skills, and also to my partner Caitlin who has been so good to work with. I will write one of these hopefully every week- I just wanted to get to partial completion stage. Hopefully the residents of AMANA will like this, as they seemed very interested in the idea.

Mentoring- reference

In 2017, Ashleigh volunteered her time to work with a student in Year 2. Ashleigh helped to extend the Year 2 student in his inquiry learning. On all occasions, Ashleigh showed enthusiasm, excitement and patience. The Year 2 student really enjoyed his learning experiences with Ashleigh and would look forward to it every week. Ashleigh was a positive role model who really celebrated the student’s ability.”


Innovat[ED] Reflection

As you may have already read, I participated in a service project, which was allowing the AMANA residents to connect through books and reading. I would now like to reflect on that project.

One of the things I did well were being a leader of the group. It is a natural skill for me. I made sure everyone was on task. I was like the mother of group- I knew what was going on. I also made sure I picked a project that I would enjoy for the service projects, not just one my friends were doing. The people that I was with weren’t my best friends- some I didn’t ever speak to. Another thing I did well was get rid of the slides I didn’t need in the pitch. I put 28 slides down to 13.

One of the things I did not so well was delegate the work. I tend to be very possessive of work I think I do extremely. well. I am cautious of letting other students do the work I thinik they will not do well. It is something I need to focus on. I did the script, the thinking and the pitch. I am susceptible to late night studying and working- something I need to balance with hobbies. It happens because I am committed.

Overall, I am pleased with my work and the result of this project. Hopefully I will continue it into the future. I used the skills Self-Management, Leadership, Resilience, Problem Solving and more. One I need to work on would be Communication.