May 12

Sleek Geek Science Competition


For the last Term and a half, our class participated in a fun and engaging science competition that was based on the theme of ‘Change’. The purpose of the competition, was to make an engaging video that wasn’t just all content focused and use techniques that would captivate the audience. The criteria for the competition was; if the video followed a clear and concise logical sequence, did the video use realistic and relevant examples, did the film present accurate science and us appropriate language and did he film show creative approaches.


Throughout the project our group was organised, as each person had some contributions to the group and we were able to divide and conquer. Each member of our group had their own established role, as each of us had our owns strengths. This also helped, as some group members didn’t have to do things they weren’t comfortable with. If we were to do the competition again, I think it would be better for each group member to try new things, so that they can learn and experience different ways of thinking.


Our group didn’t have any major disagreements, however, our group had an occasional argument about what we should have been doing. As a group, we thought it was in our best interest to avoid these arguments, so we created a system in which everyone had a say and there would be less arguments. For most of the process, this system worked and our arguments became very limited, as everyone had a say. For next time, I would use the system from more early on, so that there would be less time wasted in arguments and more time in hearing different perspectives.


We managed our time well as each member of our group has understood their role and did whatever it took to finish the video on time. Due to our good communication we were able to finish the video early and have some time to seek feedback from some of our peers. For next time, it would be better for our group to have submitted the video a little bit earlier, as for some reason the sounds weren’t working, however, this was resolved by members of our group and know the video is out for anyone to see.

Posted May 12, 2022 by Aun Mohammad in category Health Assessment

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