June 21

$20 Boss


The $20 Boss was a unique process that taught a variety of techniques that we could implement in the future. These skills are beneficial for our working futures. The 1st aspect of the process included Brainstorming. Our group brainstormed different ideas, discussing the ideal option for our group. We each had our own idea and everyone contributed, hence there was more input from multiple people. All this information could be used or combined to make 1 solid idea. Once, we had finalised our idea, we started to prototype a variety of soaps. Once we had finished our soaps, we implemented different scents and ideas to attract a variety of customers. Our group was productive for most of the time, as we divided our roles and prioritised our work. However, at times we didn’t work effectively, because sometimes group members couldn’t bring things and sometimes our group members weren’t present, making it hard to work. It was an enjoyable experience and taught me some important skills, e.g. the power of advertising and the value of having a specific customer base.

This is one our of delicious soaps.
This is our logo that we made.