My Achievement (2023)
Through this year, I have had many opportunities to hone and work on my skills and get better at things I would normally find challenging or difficult. I have enjoyed putting myself through challenging situations, and most of the time persevering and succeeding, and even in dire need of help or support, I had my parents, friends and teachers behind me. Every time, I lost hope, I was able to rely on the people around me, keeping me focused on what I wanted to achieve.
One of my most significant achievements for this year, was finishing the Quran in this year, for the 3rd time. However, what made this more important and significant for me was that I was able to fully understand the meaning of all the phrases, instead of reading just for the sake of reading. What made this significant for me, was that I was able to fully comprehend the beauty within the book. Reading the Quran has given me peace and serenity, it helped me through my times of struggle, and it helped me to relax prior to tests or important sports games. As a Muslim, it’s our obligation and duty to read the Quran regularly and pray at least 5 times a day. While it’s for God, it’s also essential for peace of mind, God rewards you and removes your sins, if you repent and keep good connections with God. This accomplishment is going to stay with me for the rest of my life, as I find it will help me and I can relax, knowing the true meaning of life, and what God did for all of us and the world.