The science project was all about building towers using spaghetti to see which ones could stay strong during an earthquake-like shake. People made different towers with varying heights (minimum 60 cm), thicknesses, and support structures. They then put these towers on a shaky table to mimic an earthquake and checked which ones stayed standing the best.
The aim was to figure out which tower designs were the sturdiest and could handle the shaking without falling apart. By testing and comparing these towers, the project helped find out which designs worked best to make buildings safer during earthquakes using spaghetti as a fun way to learn about stability and engineering.
Engineering Process
Our project focused on building spaghetti towers to see how well they could handle an earthquake-like shake. We brainstormed and made different tower designs using spaghetti, trying to make them as stable as possible. These towers were put on a shake table to mimic an earthquake, and we observed which ones stayed standing the best. Looking back, I think we could have made more diverse designs and collected more detailed data to get a clearer picture. Doing multiple tests with the same design could have made our results more reliable too. After the tests, discussing what worked and what didn’t with the team gave us some great ideas for making stronger towers next time. Overall, our aim was to understand how buildings handle earthquakes and find creative ways to make them more stable using spaghetti. We wanted to build more complex designs, as through our research we had discovered its effectiveness, however, due to the budget constraints we were unable to sustain a large amount of spaghetti without going over budget.
In our earthquake project, I made sure we stayed on schedule, Deklyn designed the towers creatively, and Rohan handled the money and measurements. I helped us stick to deadlines, Deklyn came up with strong tower ideas, and Rohan made sure we had the right amounts of stuff and accurate sizes.
My role was keeping us on track, Deklyn’s designs were really strong, and Rohan made sure we had everything we needed. Working together, we combined creativity with careful planning, making Deklyn’s designs tough and reliable. This teamwork helped us overcome challenges, resulting in sturdy spaghetti towers that could handle the earthquakes.
Through this year, I have had many opportunities to hone and work on my skills and get better at things I would normally find challenging or difficult. I have enjoyed putting myself through challenging situations, and most of the time persevering and succeeding, and even in dire need of help or support, I had my parents, friends and teachers behind me. Every time, I lost hope, I was able to rely on the people around me, keeping me focused on what I wanted to achieve.
One of my most significant achievements for this year, was finishing the Quran in this year, for the 3rd time. However, what made this more important and significant for me was that I was able to fully understand the meaning of all the phrases, instead of reading just for the sake of reading. What made this significant for me, was that I was able to fully comprehend the beauty within the book. Reading the Quran has given me peace and serenity, it helped me through my times of struggle, and it helped me to relax prior to tests or important sports games. As a Muslim, it’s our obligation and duty to read the Quran regularly and pray at least 5 times a day. While it’s for God, it’s also essential for peace of mind, God rewards you and removes your sins, if you repent and keep good connections with God. This accomplishment is going to stay with me for the rest of my life, as I find it will help me and I can relax, knowing the true meaning of life, and what God did for all of us and the world.
The process we went through to create our production was quite long however very rewarding. We went through a variety of ideas and concepts to ensure we had a lot of creativity and weren’t limiting ourselves to one main idea/concept. There were quite a few unique ideas, however, we also had to undergo the process of elimination. We did this to ensure we were able to have an idea that was doable.
After eliminating some of the more insane ideas and topics, we had thoroughly discussed with each other, which short film idea was ideal for our time limit and availability of resources. It was quite a big process of elimination, and it took a lot of team input to ensure we had one set idea without any conflict.
We had some conflicting ideas about who was doing what and how we were going to execute our time. Another aspect of this, was the addition of more people in our group, effecting the overall distribution of roles and acting. However, we were able to make some changes and avoid these conflicts, by changing the script to include more characters and a better storyline.
For next time, I would try to finish the storyboard and script earlier to ensure we have enough time to record. Something that was consistent, was that most of our group members weren’t here, so to prevent this we should record earlier to ensure most people are available.
It was quite a positive and confusing experience. It really provoked different ideas and was a cinematic masterpiece. It was a metaphor for confusion and puzzlement
The $20 Boss was a unique process that taught a variety of techniques that we could implement in the future. These skills are beneficial for our working futures. The 1st aspect of the process included Brainstorming. Our group brainstormed different ideas, discussing the ideal option for our group. We each had our own idea and everyone contributed, hence there was more input from multiple people. All this information could be used or combined to make 1 solid idea. Once, we had finalised our idea, we started to prototype a variety of soaps. Once we had finished our soaps, we implemented different scents and ideas to attract a variety of customers. Our group was productive for most of the time, as we divided our roles and prioritised our work. However, at times we didn’t work effectively, because sometimes group members couldn’t bring things and sometimes our group members weren’t present, making it hard to work. It was an enjoyable experience and taught me some important skills, e.g. the power of advertising and the value of having a specific customer base.
The Assessment was about writing a letter to a member of parliament about a change that we felt passionate about. The letter includes details that are factual and suggestions that could better improve the problem. My topic was the ‘Treatment of Asylum Seekers’ and what should be done to better improve their lives and their living conditions. To check my letter, please read the text below.
I am writing to draw your attention to the unsatisfactory treatment of asylum seekers in Australia and the actions required to address the challenges and issues faced by them in our multi-cultural community. It’s in my best interest, that I voice my opinions and give some suggestions that could be implemented to help out our country as well as all the struggling asylum seekers.
I am a local resident of your electorate of Forrestfield and am deeply uneased by the horrendous treatment of asylum seekers, and the cynical impacts it has had on Australia. As a law-abiding citizen, I feel obliged to stand up for my rights and the rights of others.
As you are already aware, during the year 2020, the government had only accepted 4558 asylum seekers, in comparison to the 12,706 accepted back in 2018. This is a significant decline in number, which has, and continues to have unfavourable influence on the asylum seekers as well as our community, due to the following impacts:
Safety and well-being
Negative economic growth
Limited employment opportunities
Fatalistic impact on our multi-cultural society
Australia has a long history of accepting refugees for resettlement and over 700 000 asylum seekers since 1945. However, despite this long‐term commitment, the current Resettlement Program in the Offshore facilities doesn’t seem to be fair which is also supported by the following:
UNHCR Global Refugee Statistical Analysis i.e., Australia’s total contribution for the decade is ranked 25th overall, 29th per capita and 54th relative to national GDP;
Significant drop in payments/donations administered by Services Australia i.e., $139.8 Million in 2017 to $39.5 Million in 2020;
Lengthy and complex Refugee Status Determination process.
I understand that the government has been challenged to review their Asylum Seekers Policy both globally and locally, but surely there is a way that the resolution of the policy can be amended on common grounds which can benefit the wellbeing of asylum seekers as well as the local economy. While this may compromise some initial plans for the government, it would be doing Australians and our economy a great justice. As asylum seekers bring different skills and talents to Australia, as well as the fact; that they take up jobs that most Australians wouldn’t.
Some strategies that could be implemented to help asylum seekers come into our country as well as the course of treatment they deserve upon their arrival:
Accept more people and provide them with reasonable housing temporarily until more resources or space are available.
There should be health care and immunisation centres assigned for refugees for free health checks and immunisations.
There should be a dedicated mental health line and psychologists for refugees who are suffering from mental health conditions/traumas. E.g., PTSD, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Anxiety and Depression.
I believe with deep passion, that those that have struggled and yet still not lost hope, deserve to be brought into our country. By not accepting enough asylum seekers, we are putting many innocent victims at risk of persecution, and for what. By doing this, we are assisting in the oppression of specific groups of people. These people escape their countries of origin, with the idea that Australia will support them and help them through their struggle for survival and independence. Additionally, as a nation we are effecting our economy as the reasons mentioned previously. Is putting millions of innocent lives at danger of persecution the ethical thing to do? And does it not deface Australia’s reputation as a multi-cultural and welcoming country?
Please consider my words of advice, as Australia continues to develop for the better.
For the last Term and a half, our class participated in a fun and engaging science competition that was based on the theme of ‘Change’. The purpose of the competition, was to make an engaging video that wasn’t just all content focused and use techniques that would captivate the audience. The criteria for the competition was; if the video followed a clear and concise logical sequence, did the video use realistic and relevant examples, did the film present accurate science and us appropriate language and did he film show creative approaches.
Throughout the project our group was organised, as each person had some contributions to the group and we were able to divide and conquer. Each member of our group had their own established role, as each of us had our owns strengths. This also helped, as some group members didn’t have to do things they weren’t comfortable with. If we were to do the competition again, I think it would be better for each group member to try new things, so that they can learn and experience different ways of thinking.
Our group didn’t have any major disagreements, however, our group had an occasional argument about what we should have been doing. As a group, we thought it was in our best interest to avoid these arguments, so we created a system in which everyone had a say and there would be less arguments. For most of the process, this system worked and our arguments became very limited, as everyone had a say. For next time, I would use the system from more early on, so that there would be less time wasted in arguments and more time in hearing different perspectives.
We managed our time well as each member of our group has understood their role and did whatever it took to finish the video on time. Due to our good communication we were able to finish the video early and have some time to seek feedback from some of our peers. For next time, it would be better for our group to have submitted the video a little bit earlier, as for some reason the sounds weren’t working, however, this was resolved by members of our group and know the video is out for anyone to see.
This Value is important to me because my life is incomplete without my family. Without this value, I wouldn’t be able to do a lot of day to day things because my family is supportive of my choices and guide me through what is right and what is wrong. My family has helped to shape a lot of my other values, making my life easier to navigate and understand. E.g. My family had set ground rules, implementing respect and patience, so throughout my upbringing I was able to learn the importance of respect and patience. At times I wasn’t willing to be patient, however, I always remembered the value of patience and was able to resolve a lot of problems this way. Making my life easier and more calm.
This Value is important to me, because Ambition helps a person to understand what their aim is and what they expect to aim for. This Value is important because it is helpful in setting a standard, a standard in which you know what to expect and you can be proud of. Ambition is the main drive for Hard-Work and Dedication. Ambition is a value that requires drive, something to strive for and an end goal. E.g. In year 7, I had an Assessment that I wasn’t excited for, however, I wanted to get a good mark, so I studied hard and dedicated my time to studying. I did this in order to clear any queries and become more stronger in that topic, as well as get a good grade.
Confidence is an important value, because it helps you to move forward with people and opportunities to come. It gives a sense of satisfaction and optimism to your life. It also helps with your decision making, which keeps you satisfied and away from Mistakes. Confidence motivates you and helps other values such as resilience. If a person is more confident, they feel more comfortable around people and are less prone to making mistakes that can put them in a bad spot. It improves relationship, because the other person feels relaxed rather than intimidated, this helps to calm the situation as well as keep the conversation going. Finally, confidence also helps with communication as people can understand you better, and acknowledge what you have to say. This results in pride as well as a sense of relaxation. E.g. This one time, I had to present a power-point to a group of students, I rehearsed it thoroughly and made sure that I was clear and easily understood. I tried my best to engage the audience, even as far as to asking the Audience Questions. This was an effective method and thanks to it, I was able to get different opinions and output on the task, making it easier to understand as well as explain.
Good and Bad Role Models
Good-Lebron James
Lebron James is a renowned basketball player known for his healthy lifestyle and dedication to his body. Lebron promotes his lifestyle through his presence online and educates people about the value of a balanced diet. His diet includes a variety of lean meats, fish, protein, veggies and a lot of fruits to support his large frame and performance in games. Thanks to his diet and dedication he has a strong immune system resulting in less sicknesses and setbacks. Another behaviour Lebron demonstrates is; long durations of sleep in order to feel fresh and healthy first thing in the morning, this has shown to boost a person’s energy for the day resulting in a person being less prone to stress, something that could impact their decisions or day to day living.
Lebron James is a tall basketball player that has clearly defined muscles and is built like a tank. He is healthy due to his diet and his workout routine, combined with his profession(Basketball). All these attributes have helped Lebron to achieve an almost perfect body and helped to improve some of his body functions, such as increased vertical, more strength, better reflexes and functions that better improve a persons’ sporting ability. These can be backed by Lebron’s weight, height, vertical, speed and strength. For someone around 206 metres and weighing in at around 113 kg, he is incredibly agile and can jump up to heights exceeding 40 inches, all of these amazing feats show the high level of Lebron’s athleticism and dedication.
Despite his current age of 37, he can still jump really high due to his healthy lifestyle and superb athleticism.
Lebron James is known for his contributions to racism and a healthy lifestyle among a variety of people. He has a strong social impact and commonly posts about causes he feels deeply about. Another factor that has helped Lebron to gain more of an impact is donating to a variety of charitable causes to support local communities and people deprived of basic necessities. Among other players, Lebron is regarded as the most vocal player, talking about racism, injustice, healthy living both through interviews as well as social media. This has helped more people learn about his message and the values he wants people to know about. As per Lebron’s Charitable work, he has created his own charity that helps to send unprivileged students to the school he made free of charge. His actions have helped a lot of kids develop their learning abilities and has significantly increased literacy rates in that area. However, Lebron can especially connect to these struggles, because growing up he didn’t have much, he relied on help from the community. However, now that he is rich and makes money, he is giving back to his community and constantly donating money to a variety of charities.
Young people should look up to Lebron as a leader and role model because he promotes a healthy lifestyle and good wellbeing. Lebron teaches kids about respect and dedication, and is constantly voicing his opinion on this subjects. He always likes to talk about the importance of determination and how it helps a person become more successful, he even uses his own past experiences and learnings as a reference for kids and adults alike. A example to back this up is a snippet of an interview with Lebron in 2020 about dedication and his message to the future generations;” But anyway you can be great, and doing what you love to do you have go to commit to it, you can’t want something but not put in the work..”
One of Lebron’s key values is his ability to adapt to new situations and scenarios, both in the sporting world and outside as well. In case you didn’t know, Lebron is also a hardworking businessman that invests in a variety of companies, however, if something goes wrong he has the ability to be on top of the situation and better understand the extremity of it. Another key value Lebron possesses is the ability to lead people, due to his upbringing and variety of knowledge, Lebron has the propensity to lead people due to his sound and collective decision making. Lebron has the value of teamwork, which helps him to work well in teams and collectively which ultimately benefit all parties involved. He likes to involve in teamwork, because he strongly believes that everyone’s input matter and that their knowledge could benefit him as well.
The Bad-Donald Trump
Donald Trump is approximately 75 years old and has a variety of eating habits that have resulted in a significant increase in cholesterol, fat and vulnerability to deadly health conditions. The eating habits of Donald Trump are questionable, as he is careless about what he eats and the quantity he eats. On average, Donald consumes 2400 calories from McDonalds daily as well as snacks and an alleged 12 cans of diet coke. Due to his large consumption of foods that are unhealthy and dangerous, he puts his body and teeth at risk while consuming all that fast food and soda. As a matter of fact, sometimes Donald Trump avoids breakfast and fasts until the evening, so that he can eat to his heart’s delight. This isn’t good because; He misses out on breakfast, the one meal that helps people get through the day, this results in him not being able to work through the day due to his increased fatigue and tiredness. However, after evening he “Rewards” himself with unhealthy foods such as McDonalds, large number of red meat, a lot of snacks and 12 cans of diet cokes. Due to this, he overeats and consumes more than 400 calories over the average calorie intake.
Donald Trump has a obese and stocky build, he is 190 cm and most accurate sources claim he weighs approximately 111 kg. He looks unhealthy due to his weight and obesity, a common issue a lot of American people struggle with. Some reasons to back up why Donald Trump is unhealthy are; his unhealthy and junk filled diet, his lifestyle and what he likes to do in his spare time. Firstly, Donald commonly consumes a large number of calories and avoids a balanced diet, something that can benefit his health in the long run, putting him away from deadly health conditions caused by junk food. Secondly, Donald Trump constantly travels and doesn’t have “Time” to eat a well-balanced meal, hence he eats junk food because of its convenience, accessibility and simplicity. All these contributing factors cause Donald Trump to eat these foods, resulting in bad and compulsive eating habits. Finally, in his free time, Donald likes to occupy himself by eating junk, he commonly does this to pass time and get through his day without any hassle.
Through his years of presidency Donald Trump has promoted a lot of unhealthy behaviours and messages. These messages have resulted in mixed opinions, however, most reasonable people will agree that the claims mentioned are all blasphemy. The worst of all these claims, came amidst the horrible Covid-19 outbreak, and outbreak that had hazardous effects especially to America. During his span as president, Donald Trump didn’t take any action up the sudden death rate and made suggestions that all medical practitioners would advise against. Firstly, he gave the people of America the wrong message, claiming it was safe and suitable to inject themselves with sanitiser to combat this horrible virus. This claim had a lot of flaws, as it send mixed messages among the people. The first and foremost issue with this claim, was that there was no science and medical study to support his so called-facts. This would be unhealthy for the people and nation, as injections could be used for the vaccine and not wasted on sanitiser, something that could come with unpredictable medical risks. Secondly, he didn’t acknowledge the health and safety of his people and stayed idol through this troubling times. To make matters worse, he even claimed that the flu was worse than the virus, regardless of all the changes, deaths and interruptions that had occurred on a local and global scale.
Children should definitely not look up to Donald Trump as an idol due to his horrible eating habits and lifestyle as well as his negligence to millions of people that suffered and had to pay the consequences. Donald Trump is clinically obese and is renowned for starring in fast food commercials due to his diabolical obsession with junk food. He promotes an unhealthy lifestyle and bad decisions commonly, as children and adults have access to his toddler like actions during important events or how he openly admits to consuming 12 cans of diet coke daily. With all of this exposure, children are likely to look up to someone who seems funny and hilarious while not truly understanding the devastating damage he has done to himself and the nation he was elected to run. E.g. Not taking care of his body properly as well as proving his unwillingness to help people.
Most things the media highlights about Donald Trump are the truth and realistic, due to all the evidence the media and general public view first-hand. However, the media can sometimes exaggerate a point in order to come across to a variety of customers and people interested. The Media takes their story from their audiences perspective and does whatever it can to make headlines and attract customers and controversy. In a regard, it works as initially most audiences believe what the media makes, e.g. If the media was to use a common man, no one would be interested in the story unless he does something insanely controversial, whereas with celebrities the media highlights the small things and twist the angle of the story to portray the celebrity as a bad person. However, as I mentioned previously, I personally think the media is spot on with all the details about Donald Trump.