At the start of the term, the entire cohort gathered, as everyone would find out what they would be doing for their InnovatED. We were all put into the Sustainable Food and Aquaponics area, and we were lucky enough to be able to work with the chickens. We then toured the Aquaponics Area, and then we had to fill out a survey to decide on what we would do for the rest of the term. Then we were assigned into Mr. Green’s group, and were given the task to find a way to keep the mites and any insects out of the chicken coop.

Planning Stages:
•Before we started to solve the problem that we were given, we had to plan out the steps and work out what we were going to do each week. We used a SCRUM Board, which would be useful in showing us what tasks we have to do, what tasks are in progress and what tasks we’ve done. Then we assigned each person in the group different jobs to complete before the showcase. Also, we had to consider using the ASC Capabilities Wheel, which would make us better at groups work and collaborative tasks.

•First, we had to brainstorm ideas that would help solve our problem. We drew out a mind- map of what we doing and who was going to do that thing. This would be an easy and adequate way to show who was doing what, even though it looked a little messy!

•One of the ingredients required in the dirt bath was dried lavender. When we researched this topic, we found that the scent of the lanvender gets the mites and other insects off the chickens and stops them from coming back to the chicken coop. So we bought some lavender seeds and planted them in a cardboard box. We had to factor in the weather, and where the plant will grow best.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed working to care for the chickens and the group I that I worked with. We actually got more things done than I thought we would, because at one point I felt as if we would never make it in time for the showcase morning. But with some hard work at home and afterschool, we managed to pull off something to show for our friends and family. I hope to be apart of the Sustainable Food and Chicken group next semester too.