EPortfolio Pledge Questions:
- What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?
The main things that I grasped after participating in this learning exercise, was to be resilient, collaborative and creative when it came to our topic of choice, and the way we chose to present it. My group chose to focus on teenagers’ general mental wellbeing. This was a pretty important issue, as from the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many teenagers were having negative impacts on their mood and wellbeing, activities and routines, relationships and many more. We decided to solve this trouble by creating self-made mandalas from scratch, as it was shown to have signs of improvement in mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and stress. Even though you might think it was simple to come up with this idea, it was really not! We had to go through many different topics and solutions for these topics until we reached this one. When it came to presenting our finished project on the Expo Day, we had realized that two of our four group members, (Ridley and Lewis), were away with commitments of their own. This meant that me and Tom had to learn to be resilient and use the resources that we had to put together a nice engaging looking presentation. In the end, we both received kind remarks on our work and presentation.
2. What one piece of advice would you pass on to young people with regards to wellbeing above all else. Why?
The one piece of advice I would give to the upcoming younger generations of people would be to have strong, bonded relationships and social connections with at least your closest circle of friends and family. This will provide teenagers or young people with a sense of happiness, security and support in their day-to-day lives, as well as when they pass high school and move on in their future’s. For me, having close relationships with my parents and my main subject teachers allow key information to flow freely throughout, and to have a closer connection with everyone.
3. Write down a pledge that you will commit to in regards to your own wellbeing. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?
I, Ayneschkanna Mayurathan, vow to increasing my fitness and making diet more healthier, by taking up jogging for about 15 minutes in the afternoon after school, and doing a rapid 10 minute workout in the morning before school. I will take out foods which are high in sugar and starch as these are the two main causes for increased weight, and find substitutes such as veggie chips or fruits. The main reason for this, is because I am playing district cricket for Willetton, and that requires a lot of physical as well as mental exertion, and these steps that I have taken will greaten the chances of me staying fit and healthy for longer periods of time.