Author: Ben Schibler
Media Interagattion Film
Describe the process you went through to create your production. We went through a process of using our creative thoughts to form an idea about cops, crime and breaking the law. We went also took into account the resources we had available and wanted to prioritise the quality and flow of the film so we … [Read more…]
Lightbulb Idea Media
Describe the process you went through to create your production We thought of many ideas relating to the trends at the time as we thought this would interest and grab our readers more. We also considered run time, the light bulb theme, the number of people we had, the time frame, and the comprehensive resources … [Read more…]
$20 Boss Reflection
When first thinking of my pitch idea I thought of some ideas that would complement my skills and ideas that I could learn new skills and use the ones I already have. The idea I decided on was skateboard wax/candles, I chose this idea because it allowed me to learn how candles are made and … [Read more…]
Science Geek Video
What is the project you have been working on? What are the success criteria for the competition (i.e. how will your video be assessed)? We thought of many ideas but thought with the number of people we had and considering our interests we decided on a rap/music video for climate change to fit the change … [Read more…]
Health House of Values and Role Models
Value 1 Courage – I value this because you need it in every state and scenario in life because at any time, something could make you uncomfortable and you could need the courage to overcome it and do what you do not want to do. Value 2 Self-Respect – I think this value is important … [Read more…]
Christmas Market Reflection
Discuss how your group determined the price of your product/s for the market. Please also reflect on the decisions you made before and during the market. For our market, we made felt animal cup holders. When deciding our price on the product we made sure to include a margin of profit to make our $30 … [Read more…]
Media Film Ad
Describe the process you went through to create your production: The process that we went through to create our products is first we started with planning and our vision board for the base and all the scenes happening throughout the advertisement. I think that this part of the production was one of the biggest parts … [Read more…]
Project Utopia Reflection (Fremantle Redesign)
Project Utopia was handed out to student’s last term. We were told that this project would be based around the redesign of Fremantle Port and to create a place where all people thrive. We were then placed into groups. The people in my group were Safeera, Paramie and Christian. I felt confident and creative during this … [Read more…]