For project X this year all of the groups had a similar theme, the theme was surrealism, Because of this we had to make a surreal piece of media. After that we had to come up with an idea and pitch it to the teacher, My group came up with the idea of a boy who fell asleep, and while in his dream he kept dying and living free of consequence. However when he woke up he went insane, believing that he was still in the dream. After we had pitched our idea we began the process of filming. We filmed the scenes in chronological order while Domi began animating a section of our film. Once we were done with filming we sent all of the footage to Aedan and he began to edit. We all contributed to the piece, adding effects and sounds to our individual segments. Once we had finished editing all we had to do was present it to the class. Overall i had a very fun time making the short and will continue to peruse media in the future.