This term in Health we are focusing on driving safety. We were tasked with planning and making a campaign on one of four BIG issues. These issues are fatigue, speeding, alcohol and distracted driving. I chose the last one, distracted driving.
What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task? | The biggest things I learned will doing these tasks was how many serious injuries and deaths are caused by driving while distracted. I realised that it is a much bigger problem than I ever thought, and how many amateur drivers, and even experienced drivers, used their phones/ other distractions while behind the wheel. |
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why? | I would tell them to not use their phones while driving, and ask them if replying to that text or snap instantly is more important than living a longer life. I would say this to try and discourage them from using their phone when they are driving. |
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments? | Whenever I drive, I will make sure that my phone is on silent. I will also place it face down when I drive to ensure that I don’t get distracted by it turning on for any reason. |
My poster is below: