A Utopian society is where everything works perfectly. Our task given to us was to create a community where all people thrive. We began our project in English where we got asked, what is a Utopian society? Before we knew it, this project had also become part of our humanities and Innovated classes. We then got into our groups and realized how different our opinions were on our ideal utopian society, and that this project wasn’t as easy as we thought. Using communication, collaboration and organization helped us work as a team to reach our goals, we had to factor in the Global Goals, Livability factors and our design thinking process. Many long and stressful hours were put into this project, but in the end, we presented our final vision boards to teachers, special guests and parents.

Once we had our groups, we had to research ideas for our Utopian society, and then we needed to create a vision board. My group already had so many ideas and we didn’t know where to start. This part of our project involved lots of collaboration because we each needed to be assigned a part to research. (Such as livability, transportation, sustainability, inspiration and many more). I was assigned to present where my group had gotten all our inspiration from.

We then had to use our communication skills to put together our research/information and finally create our speech. We didn’t want to repeat any information, or bore our audience, so we had to communicate what we wanted to say in our speeches. Public speaking played a big role in this project, which required us to communicate with each other so that none of us felt unprepared or not ready to present, by giving tips to each other on how we could improve.

Organization was one of the key factors of this project, as well as time management. Looking back on the project, I think that my group did very well on these two factors. Our organization definitely showed when we had to present our final project, since we knew what we were talking about and we had all practiced our speeches at home. We felt very confident when answering questions from parents and teachers about our project.

Over the course of term 3 we learnt all about the Global Goals, and for my groups Utopian society we wanted to eliminate the few that we were focusing on. The goals such as poverty, affordable and clean energy and sustainable cities and communities were the goals that we decided on. The Global Goals were a huge focus on project Utopia because they are all connected to try and create a perfect society. Learning about the global goals made me understand more about the real-life problems we face day to day.

I believe that Project Utopia was very valuable and gave us awareness on real world problems which we used to create a utopian society. This project allowed me to develop and improve my public speaking, effective communication, collaboration and organization skills. We had to take all our ideas into consideration and not be submissive to our group. Everyone had different views on their ideal society, so we had to compromise different opinions and ideas to make them work. Overall, I feel like this was a very successful project on which I strongly think everyone would have gained or learned something from this experience.