The project we have been doing recently in science is creating a educational video under the category change. At the start of this project we organised our selves into groups, which mine was a group of 2. We started with sharing our ideas on what our topic should be (revolving around the theme change), eventually we decided on the current rise of sea levels around the world. We both chose this topic for our video because we are interested in how the cities are slowly sinking and the impact it will have in future years. I think we could have improved our work by being more productive in the lessons we got to plan our video, because we found ourselves still writing the script when we were meant to be filming. My group did not have any disagreements most likely due to the fact there was only 2 of us and we agreed on the same thing. If we had another opportunity to repeat the project I don’t think I would change anything because we were both productive as we got the video done in the amount of time given. I think our group could have managed our time a bit better because we had to rush making the script as we had left it to the last minute. But overall we did well as we got the script done and we left just enough time do film the whole video and edit.