Perth, 12/05/2022

4 Harvest Terrance, Perth Western Australia 6005

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing you this letter to express the current climate change situation, and fight for our future generation as climate change is threatening the lives of billions of people and I feel that there could be more done to stop this on-going problem.

Firstly, how would you like it if your home and family is being destroyed by climate change? Things like droughts, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans harm animals, and destroy the places they live in.  Climate change is also slowly affecting highly populated cities, for example Dubai and NYC. As the world is becoming hotter, ice is melting which causes an increase to the height of sea levels. These cities are slowly sinking, and this is also why we need to put an end to global warming.

Global warming is caused by too many greenhouse gases in our atmosphere (gases that trap heat and warm our atmosphere). To generate power for transportation, you need to burn fossil fuels like oil, gas, or coal. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which makes up 82% of the gases in our atmosphere that trap heat.

Some impactful solutions to decrease global warming is, promoting switching to renewable sources of energy (like solar and wind energy) to power the homes and buildings across the planet and letting far less heat trapping gases into the atmosphere. If we make solar panels compulsory across all new buildings and houses, this will be a major help to stop global warming. Things like wind turbines turn kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy, if we keep increasing the numbers of the renewable sources of energy in Australia, it will help our future generation in the current issue of climate change.

I hope you will take this into consideration as the future generations of people, and soon to be endangered animal species are at risk.

Yours sincerely

Caitlyn Trim