During Innovated this semester, we have been learning about recycling plastics and using them to create things like: bowls, plant pots, pens, and more. Firstly, we started with learning about the types of plastic. We had to sort the bottle caps (which is what we used) into their type. This is because some types of plastic melts faster than others, and we needed to separate them. We mainly used type 2 plastic bottle caps to produce our end products. After we had sorted the bottle caps into their type and color, we needed to shred them into tiny pieces, so that they melt into the mold properly. Once we had shredded the plastic, we measured the right amount (in grams) of plastic to fit into the mold and not overfill, or not be enough to fill it. We had to set the oven temperature and clock to the correct heat to create the mold, and then place the our mold in the oven. We had to wait until the plastic had melted, then take it out and wait for it to harden into the mold. Once it was set and ready we took the mold out and the plastic had formed into the shape we wanted to. At the market we were decently successful to sell a few of our products, but because our products were bigger and for higher price then majority of the rest of the stalls we were not able to sell quite a few products.

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