Throughout experimental printmaking, I think that I did a pretty good job at meeting most of the targets in the project. I was away for a lot of the lessons but I made sure I was on task and catching up with the work.

I followed the processes step by step to make sure my prints came out well. For some reason I made a theme of penguins for a lot of my prints and it turned out good.

My most successful print was the Lino print because I drew the design myself after getting a bit of inspiration and I like how it came out. I also enjoyed carving out the Lino and I found it relaxing.

Some things definitely came out better than others, for example the frottage and the etching came out really well for me, but the mono prints came out messy.

Alot of the time the prints would come out patchy but it was because I didn’t put enough ink on or I didn’t spread it out well enough. But after some trial and error my prints came out they way I wanted them. As I don’t have much artistic ability I tried to make my prints simpler but make sure I printed them correctly.