Student Portfolio

Author Caitlyn Trim

Zambreroes English

Zambreroes is a multinational Mexican food franchise, at around September this year, I got offered a job here. I went for an interview, and then I had to complete a couple hours worth for online training. Once I started working… Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Structure

in this project we had to build a earthquake resistant tower made out of only bluetak and spaghetti, it had to reach certain measurement requirements (such as being 60cm tall), then it needed to pass a shake test. our tower… Continue Reading →

Printmaking E-portfolio Response

Throughout experimental printmaking, I think that I did a pretty good job at meeting most of the targets in the project. I was away for a lot of the lessons but I made sure I was on task and catching… Continue Reading →

Visual Arts Project Reflection

In this project, we made pinatas with an influence of Roberto Benavidez’s hybrid and mythical creatures. Our color palette choices were warm colors such as gold, a copper like color and some silver. Zoe and I decided on a design… Continue Reading →

Our Capabilities in Year 8

Over the course of Year 8 we have done multiple tasks which required capabilities such as collaboration and learner agency. Collaboration is the action of working with someone or a group of people to create or produce something. It includes… Continue Reading →

Precious Plastics

During Innovated this semester, we have been learning about recycling plastics and using them to create things like: bowls, plant pots, pens, and more. Firstly, we started with learning about the types of plastic. We had to sort the bottle… Continue Reading →

HASS Letter

Perth, 12/05/2022 4 Harvest Terrance, Perth Western Australia 6005 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing you this letter to express the current climate change situation, and fight for our future generation as climate change is threatening the lives of billions of… Continue Reading →

Science Video E-Portfolio

The project we have been doing recently in science is creating a educational video under the category change. At the start of this project we organised our selves into groups, which mine was a group of 2. We started with… Continue Reading →

Health Role Models

Task One —> Part Two courage- I have chosen the value courage because I like helping people to make them feel better and cheering people on to make them feel better in some ways. loyalty- For my second value I… Continue Reading →

Lego Concrete Task

For this task, we started off by learning about brutal artwork and landmarks and creating a design out of Lego for our mold. Then, we created a border for our mold, and tested it with water. After a few tests… Continue Reading →

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