Student Portfolio

Category Projects

Printmaking E-portfolio Response

Throughout experimental printmaking, I think that I did a pretty good job at meeting most of the targets in the project. I was away for a lot of the lessons but I made sure I was on task and catching… Continue Reading →

Precious Plastics

During Innovated this semester, we have been learning about recycling plastics and using them to create things like: bowls, plant pots, pens, and more. Firstly, we started with learning about the types of plastic. We had to sort the bottle… Continue Reading →

Lego Concrete Task

For this task, we started off by learning about brutal artwork and landmarks and creating a design out of Lego for our mold. Then, we created a border for our mold, and tested it with water. After a few tests… Continue Reading →

Project Utopia Reflection

A Utopian society is where everything works perfectly. Our task given to us was to create a community where all people thrive. We began our project in English where we got asked, what is a Utopian society? Before we knew… Continue Reading →

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