Our utopia project linked to almost to every subject we learned between term 1 and term 3, in English we read the giver, it was a book about a “perfect world” when in reality it was a dystopia where there was no difference between people and everything was the same, this tied into livability factors which were what we were learning in humanities. Using Livability factors is very important for making cities livable, there are two different types subjective and objective, subjective means they can be good or bad depending on the person these factors could include location, climate, or isolation. Objective factors can be measured these include safety, stability, and cleanliness. Implementing these factors into our utopia proved to be instrumental in creating our utopias livable and safe
In science, we focused on sustainability which is crucial in creating a livable city, We made sustainable houses in groups of two, we implemented ways to lower the houses carbon footprint, some of these include using sustainable building materials, sustainable energy sources, gardens, and various energy-saving features. We also learned about energy-saving behaviors and how they can play a massive part in reducing the all-around carbon footprint of a house. Implementing what we learned in science can play a big part in increasing the livability of a city.
I implemented a lot of the things we used in our sustainable house to our utopia. For example, a lot of the structures in our utopia have been inspired by our sustainable house, the main building material we used for our buildings were pre-cast concrete, something that we first learned about during our sustainable house. I was very surprised at how significant of an effect it had on our utopia
In English, we learned the importance of pvlegs, during our utopia presentation it was very important that we engaged well with parents coming around asking us questions, We had an oral presentation where we were marked on eye contact, voice projection, and how confident we were presenting.
In humanities, we also learned about constitutions and how important they are for setting up a safe and stable government, the constitution is a rule book for running a country. In Humanities we wrote a constitution, in this constitution, we wrote about how our government is run and what sort of system it runs under. Choosing the right political ideology is very important in creating a safe and stable country. We had to write about how elections are run, and how to elect parties into government.
All this lead up to our presentation night, everything we had learned over the past 3 terms was finally coming into shape, what started as a piece of paper was now a fully-fledged virtual city, we even had a constitution to go along with it. During the evening we implemented everything we had learned, we had to be confident in our presentation so we could keep our audience engaged and excited.
Implementing everything we learned from different subjects this year has proved to be extremely beneficial in creating our utopia, everything has played a huge part in our utopia creation. I enjoyed project utopia a lot because it made us question what we were doing and it made us have to think differently and innovatively.

Sustainable House

Our utopia on cospaces