Development Year 9 – Study Skills

What are study skills?

Study skills are the strategies and techniques that individuals use to improve their learning and academic performance. These skills are essential for studying and can help students manage their time, stay organised, take effective note-taking and prepare for tests.

Why is it important?

Good study skills can increase confidence, capability, and self-esteem. These skills help make studying more effective; not only by reducing anxiety before tests, but it also leads to better academic outcomes. Building up studying methods includes understanding what you read, memorising information, thinking critically, staying disciplined and managing stress.

Study techniques I use

  • Time management: having schedules for study sessions is so important in understanding further on a subject. It doesn’t have to be an hour of studying every day, it can be as simple as ten minutes per night – consistency is key! I prioritise tasks by deadlines and importance, for instance, I would study my core subjects before working on my elective projects.
  • Organisation: using tools like planners and lists allows me to keep track of due dates and upcoming tests. It is an effective way to keep me from procrastinating.
  • Seeking help: asking questions helps clarify any confusion or misunderstanding of a certain topic, ensuring that you have a solid understanding of the concepts which is crucial for effective learning.

Note-taking: it is important to take notes, whether in class or studying. Taking notes using Cornell or mind maps helps me connect and relate information with one another, leading to better understanding. Having physical copies allows me to order them into folders for future reviews.

Learning in math

The example I’m going to use is math, because it is the subject that showed my growth the most. In year 8, I struggled with memorising concepts, preparing for tests and completing test papers.

But this year, I decided to change my study method, from not reviewing worksheets and being unprepared, I began writing homework into my diary, making time for study sessions, and seeking for help.

I took notes during the study periods to help improve my memory while asking questions from teachers and peers. Not only did these techniques create improvements in my grade, it also helped gaining confidence and allowing me to enjoy the subject. Now, towards the end of the year, I have seen how effective the studying techniques are, and allowed me to work to the best of my ability.

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