Role Models and Me

My House of Values

Core Values

  1. Family

I feel like family is an important value for me because without family, I wouldn’t really be alive I suppose. Family helps you through so much in life and there are always there when you need them. As for me, my family has helped me grow and teach me things that I would benefit from when I grow older. They also raised me and helped me grow into the person I am right now. I love my family so much.

2. Friends

(True) Friends will always be by your side no matter what. They help you through things and support you and love you. They are usually a very positive influence in someone’s life. And they teach you a lot about things you might not know about yourself, or just in general. Me, I’ve had things going on in my life, but my friends were always right there and supporting me, and helping me through it. I love my friends

3. Travel

I feel like travel is a very important value as it teaches you about other places, cultures, and religions. It gives you new experiences with new people. It teaches you to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Another thing it does is help you connect with family overseas/across the country. Travelling has been a huge part of my life since I was very small. It helps me to take on new experiences and it also helped me visit my family over in America.

GOOD role model: Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukrainian President)

  1. Rather than fleeing to the safety of America with Joe Biden, he stayed back with the Ukrainian army and is fighting Russian troops, and defended his country. Zelenskyy is also a former actor and comedian too.
  2. Zelenskyy does look healthy. He looks well and not sick at all. When he is leading, he is always well-dressed, and never lazily dressed. You can tell all these things by just looking at him.
  3. In his show of bravery in fighting in the war between Ukraine and Russia, he shows that even though he is an important figure to a lot of people, he still fought. He could have fled to America and would have been safe from the war but no, he stayed. This shows that no matter how important/not important you are, you should always be brave and contribute.
  4. Young people should look up to him because he is a good and brave person, who cares enough about his people to fight alongside them. He’s a great leader too.
  5. I think he shows: Leadership, Commitment, Service, and Kindness.

BAD role model: Vladimir Putin (Russian President)

  1. Putin has started an unfair war between Ukraine and Russia, for unfair and silly reasons. He disrupted the peace between the two countries and the world.
  2. Putin is a 69-year-old man. He always looks tired or grumpy. He’s a very strict and serious-looking man. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile. Like ever.
  3. Right now, Putin is promoting violence in the war between Ukraine and Russia. His troops are being very violent and destroying EVERYWHERE in Ukraine.
  4. Hard no. Putin is being a very bad man. He’s causing so much pain and destruction. He’s caused so much sorrow and taken so many lives. He is a very BAD example to not only young people but anyone.
  5. Yes. About the war and destruction in Ukraine. It’s very sad, and I don’t know how Putin can really sleep at night knowing what he’s done. 

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