Sleek-Geek Competition Reflection

Here is our video 🙂
  1. What is the project you have been working on?  What are the success criteria for the competition (i.e. how will your video be assessed)?  You may like to include a link to your video at this point (you can upload your video to Microsoft Stream).

We worked on showing how a radish can go from your garden, into a delicious and easy recipe that you can make all the time! I feel like we hit all the criteria points with the information about the growth of the radishes, and how we did the cooking show

2. How did you organize your group? Did each person have specific roles? Did each person have the opportunity to contribute their ideas?  How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

Everyone contributed their ideas, and also had a role. Ruby was in charge of the information and growing of the radishes, Anna was in charge of the scriptwriting and information research, Amelia was in charge of the voice-over and script, and I (Charlotte) was in charge of the “Charlotte’s Kitchen” portion of it, and the editing. We want it to be about some sort of food growing, but then someone threw in the idea of the cooking show, so that’s how we decided on the idea of “Plants to plate” because there is a lot of change in that process.

3. Did your group have any disagreements? What strategies did you use to resolve these conflicts? How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

Well at the start, we had a slight disagreement on who was gonna cook, and where we were gonna cook it. We decided on me because I had the resources, and time and I didn’t have a huge role in the video. We were going to see if we could get the food room but later realized that we couldn’t because we couldn’t bring the things needed, and just thought it would be easier if one person did it at their house.

4. How did your group manage your time? Did you finish the project on time? How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

We did finish just in time, next time though, I would’ve filmed the cooking part a bit sooner, so that we would’ve been finished earlier, but other than that, I think we did really well 🙂

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