Letter To Parliament

This Project is where we had to pick a topic we cared about, research it, then put together a letter as if we were going to send this to the Parliament house.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to you about the Menstrual leave policy and how it should be a policy here in Australia.

When Women are on their Period, they experience both mental and physical difficulty and pain. Some of these things include:

-Mood swings

-Menstrual pain





And more. These things can sometimes prevent a woman from working or lessen the quality of her work. If a woman is experiencing these problems and can’t properly take time to take care of herself, not only would it make it harder for her to work, but the person would also feel quite sick, but if she tries to take some days off of work to take care of themself, they won’t get paid, therefore if they want to get paid, they need to work, while experiencing these problems. This is why I believe we have the Menstrual leave policy here in Australia. This way, women can have around three days of pay/unpaid leave for their period so that they can fix these problems, therefore they can get better quicker and can get back to working and being effective.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Kind regard

Charlotte Parker

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