Chickens (InnovatED semester 1)

The chicken group gave me the opportunity to interact and take care of the chickens for a specific day each week. we had a roster that we used. My group (Myself, Isabella P, Kate, and Poppy) went down to clean out the chickens each Monday morning.

We got to choose what things we did, as long as they were related to the chickens. So my group (Jaime, Deklyn, Poppy, Isabella P, Kate, and myself) decided to make an egg-based recipe, and recipe book to sell at the markets. (They were made to be friendly and easy to read, especially if little kids wanted to use if for making food.

Some struggles we had with this were that besides the cooking, not everyone was doing work. Some people were goofing off and were really off-topic, and some people did more than others. Some other problem was that the book wouldn’t send properly, so that meant that we had to do all the work on one laptop.

Over all, I found this project fun. Next time, I would make our group smaller and have more jobs. I really enjoyed this project and I would do it again, just be more time efficient.

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