Keys for Life Health Assessment


What were the biggest things you learned while at the RACbstreetsmart excursion?  I pledge to follow all the road rules, not drink while driving, and always get the right amount of sleep I need before driving. I chose these things as they are some of the main factors affecting drivers and they are some of the ; leading causes of crashes.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?  Always follow road rules and regulations, even if it doesn’t seem “cool”, as it could save your life one day.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?  I pledge to follow all the road rules, not drink while driving, and always get the right amount of sleep I need before driving. I chose these things as they are some of the main factors affecting drivers and they are some of the; leading causes of crashes.

Sources of Information Why is this source reliable for young drivers to refer to?   Using ChatGPT to teach young people about road safety is beneficial because it offers an interactive, engaging, and accessible learning experience. ChatGPT can provide instant, accurate information and answer a wide range of questions, making it an effective tool for personalized learning. It can present road safety concepts clearly and understandably, adapting explanations to suit different age groups and comprehension levels. Additionally, ChatGPT can simulate various road safety scenarios and quizzes, reinforcing learning through practice and immediate feedback. Its 24/7 availability ensures that young people can access valuable road safety information whenever they need it, promoting continuous learning and awareness.      
The Safety Message or Slogan of the Campaign What is it? Why is this message going to suit young people?   Our message suits young people because it stresses to them how important the use of seatbelts is, and how dangerous it is to not use them.      
Key Information What information does the target group need to know? (Statistics, effects on the body, ways to stay safer…)   Wearing seatbelts is crucial for vehicle safety in Australia, as they significantly reduce the risk of injury and death in traffic accidents. According to the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, and Communications, seatbelt use reduces the risk of fatal injury by up to 50% for front-seat occupants and by up to 75% for rear-seat occupants. In 2018, the Australian Road Deaths Database reported that approximately 20% of vehicle occupants killed in crashes were not wearing seatbelts. Additionally, research by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) of Victoria found that wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of moderate to severe injury by 40-50%. These statistics highlight the importance of consistently wearing seatbelts to enhance safety and save lives on Australian roads.        
Aim of the Campaign What results do you want to achieve?   The aim of wearing a seatbelt in a car is to significantly increase safety for passengers and drivers. Seatbelts restrain occupants during sudden stops or collisions, preventing them from being ejected from the vehicle and reducing the risk of severe injury or death. By distributing the force of impact across the stronger parts of the body, seatbelts minimize harm and help keep individuals securely in their seats, reducing the likelihood of striking the interior of the car or other passengers. Ultimately, seatbelts are a crucial safety measure that saves lives and reduces the severity of injuries in traffic accidents.      
Medium to be Used What is the best way to deliver the message? (Pamphlet, poster, newspaper or television advertisement targeted at high viewing times, mail out….   I feel like the best way to deliver our poster is a little information booklet / pamphlet, as there are two pages    
Communication Approach How will the campaign be presented to engage young people? (Humour, realism, portrayal, consequences, role models…) A campaign about seatbelt safety can engage young people by utilizing a mix of social media platforms, interactive content, and peer influence. Creating compelling visual content like videos, infographics, and real-life stories of individuals who survived crashes thanks to seatbelts can make a strong impact. Incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, challenges, and virtual reality simulations that demonstrate the consequences of not wearing a seatbelt can further engage young audiences. Collaborating with influencers and celebrities who resonate with young people can also help spread the message effectively. Additionally, involving young people in creating and sharing campaign content can increase their investment and interest in seatbelt safety.        
Medium to be Used What is the best way to deliver the message? (Pamphlet, poster, newspaper or television advertisement targeted at high viewing times, mail out….   I feel like the best way to deliver our poster is a little information booklet/pamphlet, as there are two pages    

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