Introduction- What is project utopia?
The Freemantle project is an innovative project based around the future of Freemantle, it is focussed on how we can make the suburb sustainable and to reach all, or most of the global goals. This project was all about how we can improve Freemantle and make it a better and more modern place for everyone to enjoy. The reason we created this project was to help for the upcoming move from the Freemantle port, it is moving to Kwinana which will leave Freemantle as a big open space with barely any purpose except for hosting the shipping constrainers which also hold no use, all this leaves us with many ideas of how we can use this massive space to our advantage, which was exactly my mind set, from many nights of thinking and many days of planning, we came up with many ideas which tied in with our speech.
My beginning- new entry
This was all very new to me, I had just moved to the school and my head was filled with ideas, every step I knew would have counted. I entered but after everyone else and I missed a lot of the project, but this didn’t stop me. The project for me all started with understanding the future of Freemantle project, what helped me with this was looking at everyone else’s vision boards, this helped me because it gave me inspiration for how I could set out our group’s ideas for the model. Our whole class also helped, we had a big discussion about different ideas we could include in the different sections, this really helped catch me up and got me really involved and helped me to feel like I really understood the topic.
The first step-
This is where the project began. This was a vital part in the project as it was the first steps to ending it. The first thing we did was draw a map in our groups, we got assigned these groups earlier so we would have a group to begin planning and start the project, we drew the maps to get an idea and for homework that week our homework was to try and fit everything into scale, this didn’t really work but we did try.
After we drew the map, it was on to starting the models, our group communicated really well in planning for the model and outlining everything. Our group decided on different parts of the map Holly was doing the green spaces, I was doing the outdoor cinema, Riyani was doing the homeless shelter and Ananya was doing the bridge. We all began to really understand their own topics and we even began to understand each other’s. In terms of telling each other different ideas, we were all really good communicators, we all listened and took everyone’s ideas into consideration, we all participated and took part, and it ended very well.
Collaborating was one of the hardest parts of the project, it got harder and harder to focus during innovate ed and we started losing ideas, but we pushed through, and we began to collaborate really well. I believe that our group completed the planning very quickly, then it was on the doing the cospaces and modelling, Ananya and Holly separated, I’m not sure how they collaborated but the cospaces looked really well and was done on time. It was up to me and Riyani to do the model, we understood what we wanted to do, and we began talking about different ways we could improve the 3d models and make them look to scale. We collaborated well and we decided on many ideas that brought our model together.
Now it was time for the scariest part. Our model was ending, our cospaces were ending, but now… It was time to write a speech, about our project, this was daunting. Our group separated to individuals and during English we began writing the best speech we could. It was very scary even just writing it and I know that everyone else felt the same. It was super fun to write the speech because ideas just kept flowing into my head, and it felt like it was endless. I got confirmation, after confirmation from Miss Shaw and finally I was able to begin practicing and writing down key points.

The performances-
This part was terrifying, the morning of the performances, I must have recited my speech over a hundred times! Despite this I pushed on and tried my hardest, I smiled and didn’t make it too formal, I knew that my speech was perfect, and it was done it the best of my ability, I tried so hard to do it perfectly, I slipped up my words a few times, but I kept going, and I ended up with a great performance. Riyani, Ananya and Holly also did excellently, Riyani had a clear understanding of the topic and what she was supposed to be saying, and she answered questions that the audience asked like a champ, Ananya was resilient and she tried so hard to project her voice despite being nervous and she definitely pushed herself out of her comfort zone, Holly was very intrigued in what the guests had to say and really tried to improve as she got more and more advice. Overall, not just me but my whole group did really well!
My final speech-
Whoa! These tickets seem like millions, guess I’m not watching minions today. Hello, my name is Chelsea, and the topic we will be speaking about is the outdoor cinema we have planned to include in our design! As you can see here (point to model) we have decided to place the cinema next to the greenspaces, this will make the area much more convenient for families with young children. This is by far the best idea for use of space as people can get to it with ease. The cinema will have free tickets because someone may be able to watch from the carpark without paying, isn’t that great? However, we have decided to add a range of food, so people don’t mind staying there for dinner! We have also decided to add buyable seating such as bean bags and double pillows so that young children are able to see the movie over someone much taller. on top of that, we have included a car park and a picnic area so you may watch the movie from in and out of your car. I know, I know, relaxing at an outdoor cinema in the middle of winter does not sound like the most appealing situation, does it? But of course, we have a solution, how does built in heaters with a rain shield over the top sound? Ah that’s more like it. Nice and cosy. To prevent crowding in the area, we have created a strategic plan, we have decided to make an online booking system so that people cannot overcrowd the cinemas. The cinema will also include 30-40 picnic seats and 10-20 parking spots, there will also be a car park right next to it so that you don’t have to walk the whole way which will make it a hangout hotspot for people of all ages and groups. This idea will most definitely improve the atmosphere of Fremantle. Movies are loved by people all around the world because they bring families and friends together, so now it doesn’t seem like you are spending millions, does it? Why don’t you go ahead and get that minions ticket? Thank you for listening to our presentation.