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Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s homepage in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for content that you don’t expect to update frequently.
This page is here for you to create a profile about you – your interests, strengths, passions and whatever else you would like to share!
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About me..
- My name is Chelsea
- I like the beach, food, watching movies, journaling, listening to music, school ( to hang out with Emma ), weekends, Christmas, art, watch TV, hanging out with my friends ( Emma )
- My favorite subjects are drama and connected learning ( with Emma )
- My favorite foods are spaghetti bolognaise and strawberry cheesecake
- My favorite places are home, school, beach and adventure world
- My favorite person is Emma incase you couldn’t already tell
- I Hate anyone other than Emma
- byeeeeeeeeeeee
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