Science Geeks Project

  1. What is the project you have been working on?  What are the success criteria for the competition (i.e. how will your video be assessed)?  You may like to include a link to your video at this point (you can upload your video to Microsoft Stream).

In this project, we had to create a scientific video about change. For this project me and my group decided to do our video on volcanic change, we did quite a bit of demonstration and we added lots of interesting facts as well. We made our video easy to read and also easy to understand for younger ages as well. Overall this was an amazing process and was verry fun to film.

2. How did you organize your group? Did each person have specific roles? Did each person have the opportunity to contribute their ideas?  How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

In this project, we got to choose who we would like in our groups. We choose each other because we all had similar ideas about what we wanted to do for this particular project. In the end, l went with Eva, Emelia, and Safeera. We choose our roles as Emelia wanted to record and Eva and I wanted to do the demonstration and Safeera wanted to edit. I think we could have planned the demonstrations a bit better but overall l think we work well together and did a really good job.

3. Did your group have any disagreements? What strategies did you use to resolve these conflicts? How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

My group and I did not have any disagreement, as we all had an input and we all listened to each other’s ideas. I really enjoyed this project and l liked how we worked well together in groups that we got to choose. I am really happy with how our project has turned out so far and all the work that everyone has put into it.

4. How did your group manage your time? Did you finish the project on time? How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

My group and l work really well as a team and managed our time very well as we knew what we were going to do in each lesson. I would not improve my work as l thought we did verry well.

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