My group and I had an idea about using reused beads, making them into bracelets, and giving them to the kids at the hospital who are having a hard time. We made these bracelets with reusable beads, we made bracelets, rings, phone charms, and photo frames. We thought about people in need and everyone’s different sense of style.
Here are some images below us making the beads or phone charms.
We made many different prototypes before we came up with the best designs and colour schemes. We all worked together and contributed all our ideas. We worked well together and as there were many people in the group we had many different ideas and styles.
Here are some prototypes that made the final cut.
I think that we should have done more research into the donation of the beads. We were not as organized as we would have liked to have been and I feel if we had of researched more we could have known that hospitals will not accept recycled beads. This is because they have sick patients that the beads might affect, as they do not know where they have been. If we had of known this sooner, we would have had more time to enter and work on the 20$ boss stall.
We problem solved this issue by selling our beads and donated the money to the hospital.
Before we started our stall we gathered feedback from the teachers and other students. We needed to get this feedback from our group and teachers, so we presented in front of the class and showed them our ideas and designs. Sienna and I also presented our Logos showing everyone what our logo would look like.
This allowed us to change a few of our ideas so our product would sell better in the $20 boss market.
The day arrived for the $20 boss market and we were very organized with the set up of our stall. I think we presented the items we had to sell extremely well and the sales showed this. Our rings and bracelets were very popular as were our phone charms. We took shifts working at the markets so everyone could contribute. I did the first shift at the market and it was very busy and everyone said they loved our products.
At the end of the markets we made around $100 and I feel proud that we can donate this to the hospital.