This year through hard work l have achieved many of my goals in school, sport and my grades overall. I feel like l have taken the responsibility to imporve these areas and have been more organised with balancing my schedule through dance and study/school.
Along with improving my grades in all of my subjects, making the school swimming team and been awarded champion girl in atheletics, I have also had the pleasure in performing in two dance concerts at school which I have really enjoyed. One of my biggest achievements has been teaching little kids how to dance, it has been very challenging and very rewarding. The children I teach are between the ages of 3 – 11 at my local dance studio, I teach the style of acro every Monday for 2 hours and 30 minutes and do the same times on Thursday.
I have been dancing at Elevate my dance studio for 4 years and was asked at the beginning of this year if l would like to start teaching by my dance teacher. I was very exited with this opportunity as l love dance and have always wanted to teach little kids. I had to talk to my parents about how l would stay on top of school, write a study schedule for them to keep up my grades even with extra time required to teach at the studio, I was very happy when my parents said yes and trusted me to take on this amazing opportunity l was given.
For me to take on this experience and to be given it there were many people involved. My parents were a massive part of this as they trusted me to stay organized and be on top of my school work while handling my dance, teaching and school work as well. My dance teachers also were very helpful and have supported me and trusted me to take on this amazing opportunity. l was so thrilled when they asked me as l also want to be a teacher and be part of the staff at the studio. I am very thankful with how these people help me accomplish and achieve this goal and see how hard l can work and help with the running of the studio.
I was not expecting this experience and was extremly happy when l was offerd this by my teachers that l look up to and are my role models. l was happy and exited as they saw the potencial in me and trusted me to have a part in the studio and work with the team. One of my dance teachers Miss, Sarah was a teacher at the dance studio but sadly she left, as she went travelling before starting her studies at university. They were looking for someone to assist the younger classes and help teach acro along with helping with concerts and other duities around the studio. I was offered this amazing opotunity and was very happy that l got this chance to teach dance and insire others to love dance as much as l do.
Firstly I had to ask my parents if they thought it was a possibility. They were a little worried at the start as they were not sure how I would fit the time in for my studies and my own dance. They did however realise that it was important for me to do it and that it would be wonderful work experience for my end goal of wanting to be a teacher.
I had to prove to them that it was possible to commit to my studies and dance. We sat down and talked about how my study is very important, they did acknowledge however that a job in dance is something that was perfect for me while at high school. We worked on a study plan and drew up a timetable on when I would do my studies ( and my jobs around the house). The timetable is very strict and the hardest part is the few hours I have to do Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, but this does give me time with friends over the weekend. Mum also found me a tutor to help with my Maths, and Zoe Dallimore helped me on Wednesday morning and then I had my English tutor, Mary Reynolds who helped me as well.
I am very proud of myself and this achivement l accomplised, I knew that if l started this job l had to work extra hard on my study and school work and thats what l did l am so proud of myself this year and how l have handled all my work on top of my dance and tecahing, and still doing meeting my expectations for my grades at school. I have been teaching for quite a while know and love it so much and am so greatful and happy l was given this amazing experiance by my role models, that l look up to every day of my life.
I am hoping that l continue working at the studio for many years to come, as l love it so much. I hope that l still continue teaching and are given further responsibilities while still keeping up my grades. I have actually imporved on many of my grades this year and I think this is because I have a structured timetable that my parents ask that I follow. I very careful not to let this slip and put alot of work into achieveing good grades as I know my parents can make me reduce my hours in the studio if I dont perform, and that would be terrible.
I also hope that l can be more independent and maybe even start to run classes by myself when both of my teachers are sick or just cant make it in. I feel like l have done very well this year in my teaching and am very happy with my studies and sporting achivements this year.
One other area I would like to be involved in 2024 is looking at opportunties that I could work in at school with helping the younger students in primary school with sports and arts. This is something that I could prehaps speak to my house teachers about at the beginning of next year.